Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Functional assessment of an elderly man at home Essay

According to NHS (2011), elderly people who have attained the age of 65 years and above usually spend an average of 10 hours and above daily sitting or lying down, making them the most sedentary group of people. Due to this apparent inactivity among the elderly, they are more prone to accidental falls, obesity, cardiovascular accidents, heart conditions and sudden death than the general population. In this interview, data was gathered from an elderly man in his early 80s through use of a semi-structured interview schedule that consisted of open-ended questions touching on the instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) and activities of daily living (ADL). The interview schedule provided an opportunity for the interviewer and interviewee to tackle the questions in detail through appropriate probing. Before commencement of the interview, an informed consent was obtained from the respondent where his anonymity and the confidentiality of the information sought from him were assured. The interviewee was asked to sign a consent form if he agreed to take part in the interview. The Rationale To ascertain that a person is able to independently live at home or community, the determination of the daily basic activities performed by the individual is necessary. These activities are referred to as Activities of Daily Living (ADLs). According to PayingForSeniorCare (2007), ADLs only serve as a yardstick of independence of individuals, whether or not they perform these basic activities on their own or get assistance. On the other hand, Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs) are the actions which are important but not a daily requirement for one to live independently. They usually used to determine what level of assistance is to be accorded to the elderly or disabled people in society. In the interview nschedule, three (3) ADLs and Three (3) IADLs were included. The ADLs included: Bed mobility, Toileting, and Eating. The IADLs were: Responsibility for own medication, Housekeeping, and Ability to use telephone. These activities and actions were included in the interview because they will in the very least point to the functional ability of the respondent given his advanced age. ADLs and IADLs are carried out because ‘ Measuring an individual’s ability to perform the ADLs and IADLs is important not just in determining the level of assistance required but as a metric for a variety of services and programs related to caring for the elderly and for those with disabilities (PayingForSeniorCare (2007, p. 1). Ethical considerations According to Fouka and Mantzorou (2011, p. 3), research ethics involve requirements on daily work, the protection of dignity of subjects and the publication of the information in the research. Research ethics are a set of principles that guide researchers and research organizations on how to conduct themselves when dealing with research participants, other researchers and colleagues, the users of their research and society in general. Among the ethical issues taken into consideration in research include: 1. Informed consent Informed consent is a major ethical issue in carrying out research. According to Armiger (1997), the participant must knowingly, voluntarily and intelligently, and in a clear and manifest way, give his/her consent. Informed consent confers autonomy to the respondent hence they are protected through self-determination. Through informed consent, the participant’s integrity, personal liberties and veracity are protected from violation by researchers. Informed consent enables individuals participate in research voluntarily after they have been provided with information on the potential risks and benefits of the research. Free and informed consent should incorporate an introduction to the study, its purpose, an explanation of the selection of the subjects and the procedures that shall be followed. It is essential to describe any physical harm or discomfort, any invasion of privacy and any threat to dignity as well as how the subjects will be compensated in that case. 2. Beneficence- do not harm This principle ensures that researchers exercise a professional mandate to carry out significant and effective research so as to serve and promote the welfare of the population. A researcher must consider all possible consequences of the research and balance the risks with proportionate benefit. The type, degree, and number of potential risks must be assessed and the risk benefit ratio can only be achieved by identifying these factors. If the risks outweigh the benefits, the study should be revised. It is important that debriefing of the participants is done at the end of the study. Debriefing refers to explaining the exact aim of the study and why certain disclosures were not done. According to Burns and Grove (2005) ‘if the subjects experienced a high level of discomfort, they should be debriefed or referred to appropriate professional intervention as necessary’. 3. Respect of anonymity and confidentiality Confidentiality and anonymity are closely linked with the rights of beneficence. The protection of anonymity is achieved when the researcher does not link a participants personal responses and his/her identity. The management of private information of the respondents must be ensured by the researcher in order to protect the participant’s identity. Confidentiality means that individuals can give and/or withhold as much information as they wish to the person they choose. 4. Respect of privacy Privacy is the freedom exercised by an individual in determining the time, extent, and general circumstances under which private information will be shared with or withheld from others. Therefore, private information shall not be shared with others without the knowledge of the participant. According to Treece and Treece (1982), a researcher must respect a decision by a respondent who considers reporting personal information a violation of privacy. Fauka and Mantzorou (2011, p. 7) state that ‘this may even apply to report of age, income, marital status, and other details that the subject may regard intimate. They also imply that privacy can be invaded when researchers study certain groups without their knowledge and without identifying themselves. 5. Concerns of vulnerable group of people Vulnerable group of people are the individuals who are unable to protect their own rights and welfare. Opinion is still divided as to whether they should be included in research studies or not due to their inability to give informed consent. They include prisoners, mentally ill people, the aged and children among others. They need further protection for they are vulnerable to being deceived, threatened or forced to participate in research studies they have no idea about. According to Burns and Grove (2005), the vulnerability of these individuals increases the need for justification for the use of such subjects in research studies. 6. Honesty, objectivity, integrity, legality and competence It is important to maintain honesty in research undertakings. Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Avoid any fabrication, falsification, or misrepresentation of data. Do not deceive colleagues, granting agencies, or the public. To maintain objectivity, the researcher must avoid bias in study designs, data analysis, data interpretation, peer review, personnel decisions, grant writing, expert testimony, and other aspects of research where objectivity is expected or required. Avoid or minimize bias or self-deception. Disclose personal or financial interests that may affect research. Integrity should be ensured through keeping of promises and agreements. The researcher must act with sincerity, and maintain consistency of thought and action. Every researcher must ensure and improve his/her own professional competence and expertise through lifelong education and learning and steps must be taken towards the promotion of competence in science as a whole. Research studies are guided by the relevant rules and regulations that must be adhered to at all times, whether institutional or governmental. Research ethics play important roles in research studies as they; 1. Bring about respect for and cause no harm to the participants 2. They are a professional requirement in research studies 3. They are a requirement in obtaining funding for research undertaking 4. They ensure that research studies are conducted within the ethical guidelines provided by the Ethics Committee 5. Ensures that the research findings are acceptable to the research community and the public Interviewee current IADL/ADL practices According to Quinn et al. (2011), elderly individuals usually present with acute and chronic problems that adversely affect function, often defined by functional decline and loss of independence. This might eventually lead to institutional care for such individuals. The decreased function may be a pointer to occult pathologies which lead to increased mortalities (Schumacher, 2005). From the interview, it was found out that the respondent had limited capacity in carrying out daily activities. For instance, in determining the ADLs, in bed mobility, he needed other than two persons physical assist, had a limited physical assistance in toileting and limited assistance when eating. His actions too were limited as he scored lowly in IADLs. For instance, in responsibility for own medication, he only takes medication when it is prepared in advance and in right dosages, he answers the telephone only and cannot dial by himself, and finally he does not participate in any form of housekeeping. The respondents attributed all this to poor memory, fast failing eyesight, affliction by arthritis and advanced age. Conclusion Elderly individuals are afflicted by many ailments that lead to poor health, and as a consequence they are usually unable to undertake simple tasks that are geared towards maintaining good health. It is therefore imperative that functional assessment are done on such persons in order to put in place appropriate strategies that can help them lead at least ‘normal’ lives. Therefore, ADLs and IADLs are important towards this end and can help determine the kind of care to be provided to elderly individuals. This can be in the form of institutional care, family and friends care giving. References Armiger, B. (1997). Ethics in Nursing Research: Profile, Principles, Perspective. Nursing Research, vol. 26, no. 5, pp. 330-333. Burns, N & Grove, S. (2005). The practice of nursing research: Conduct, critique, and utilization (5th ed.), St. Louis, Mo: Elsevier/ Saunders. Fauka, G &  Mantzorou, M. (2011). What are the major ethical issues in conducting research? Is there a conflict between the research ethics and the nature of nursing? Health Science Journal, 5(1), pp. 3-14. NHS (2011). The importance of exercise as you get older. Retrieved from: Quinn, J, McArthur, Ellis, G & Stott, J. (2011). Functional assessment of older people. BMJ. doi: doi: Schumacher, J. (2005). Emergency medicine and older adults: continuing challenges and opportunities. Am J Emerg Med, 23: pp. 556-60. Treece, E & Treece, J. (1982). Elements of research in Nursing. St-Louis: Mosby. Appendix Appendix A Informed consent letter My name is †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦., an undergraduate student at †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. University carrying out a study on ‘the importance of ADLs and IADLs’. All information provided in this study will be treated with confidentiality and your identity shall not be disclosed. All information provided in this study will be treated with confidentiality and your identity shall not be disclosed. The participation in this study is on voluntary basis, and therefore you are free to accept or decline to take part in the study. Your cooperation shall be of great importance in achieving this goal. If you agree to take part in this study, please append only your signature below ____________________________________ ______________________ Respondent Signature Date Interviewer signature Date Appendix B Interview schedule Part 1: ADLs 1. How will you describe your ability to move in bed while you lie on it? Any difficulties? 2. Please describe your ability to use the washrooms. Any important information worthy noting? 3. Can you please describe to me your eating habits? Are you able to cut chew and swallow food independently or with supervision? Part 2: IADLs 1. Are you responsible for taking your medications? Yes [ ] No [ ] If NO in the above question, please explain. 2. Do you perform housekeeping chores? 3. How will you describe your use of the telephone? any reasons for that?

Canterbury Tale(the Man of Law’s Tale)

THE CANTERBURY TALES (The Man of Law's Tale) The Man of Law's Tale (also called  The Lawyer's Tale) is the fifth of the  Canterbury Tales  by  Geoffrey Chaucer, written around 1387.   Summary The Man of Law, also known as The Sergeant at Law, tells a  Romance  tale of a Christian princess named Custance (the modern form would be Constance) who is betrothed to the  Syrian  Sultan on condition that he convert to  Christianity. The Sultan's mother connives to prevent this and has Constance set adrift on the sea.Her adventures and trials continue after she is shipwrecked on theNorthumberland  coast. Northumberland is a pagan country where the King, Alla (based on Chaucer's understanding of the historical  ? lla of Deira[1]) eventually converted to Christianity. Alla's evil mother intercepts and falsifies a letter between the couple, which results in Constance's being banished. Constance is forced to go to sea again and is found by a Senator of Rome. The Senator ta kes Constance (and her child) back to Italy to serve as a household servant.King Alla, still heartbroken over the loss of Constance, goes to Rome on a pilgrimage, and fortunately finds Constance. In the end the couple return to Northumberland. Alla dies a year later, and the baby boy becomes the King. ————————————————- ————————————————- Sources The tale is based on a story within the  Chronicles  of  Nicholas Trivet  but the major theme in the tale, of an exiled princess uncorrupted by her suffering, was common in the literature of the time. 2]  Her tale is also told in  John Gower's  Confessio Amantis, and both are similar to the verse  Romance  Emare, and the cycle is generally known as the â€Å"Constance† cycle. [2]  The oldest know n variant of this particular type is  Vitae duorum Offarum. [3]  More distantly related forms of the persecuted heroine include  Le Bone Florence of Rome, and  Griselda. [4] An incident where Constance is framed for murder by a bloody dagger appears to be a direct borrowing from  Crescentia. [5] ————————————————- ————————————————- Analysis Saints' lives genreThe tale is meant as a morally uplifting story and is similar to  hagiography, or stories of the saints' lives, which were common popular literature of the time. Custance, as her name suggests, is constant to her  Christian  religion despite the attacks and testing it receives from the  pagans  and  heathens  she meets on her travels. Rhetoric The Man of Law tells his story in a pompou s over-blown style as if he is defending Custance in a court of law. He also uses manyrhetorical figures, taken straight from the manuals of rhetoric of the day, to emphasize Custance's noble character—as well as the teller's lawyerly skills—and state her case.John Gower Although Chaucer receives some praise and also criticism from his own character with favourable mentions of  The Book of the Duchessand  The Legend of Good Women; in the Man of Law's prologue he seems to spare most of his opprobrium for  John Gower. [original research? ]  Two of the tales which he dislikes,  Canace  and  Apollonius of Tyre, involve  incest, as did the some versions of the story. Chaucer based this tale on the  Nicholas Trivet  story from his  Chronicle. Gower though had recorded all these stories. Chaucer is, perhaps, with friendly banter, trying to goad his friend and fellow writer into a storytelling challenge.But certeinly no word ne writeth he Of thilke wikke [wicked] ensample of Canacee, That loved hir owene brother synfully — Of swiche cursed stories I sey fy! — Or ellis of Tyro Appollonius, How that the cursed kyng Antiochus Birafte his doghter of hir maydenhede, That is so horrible a tale for to rede, Whan he hir threw upon the pavement. Sequence with other tales The various manuscripts of the tales differ on the structure of the tales with some containing the Man of Law's epilogue and others not. In the  epilogue, the host invites the  Parson  but he is interrupted before he can begin and a different speaker tells the next tale.TheSummoner, the  Squire  and the  Shipman  are listed as interrupters in the different manuscripts but it is the Shipman whose character best matches the rude remarks although the mention of his â€Å"joly body† sounds closer to something the  wife of Bath  may say. What it probably shows is that Chaucer had not fixed his overall plan. There are also hints, with his cla im he will talk in prose despite rhyming throughout, that the Man of Law originally told the  Tale of Melibee  before he was assigned Custance's tale late in the composition of the tales.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Case Study, Mall of Americas

IntroductionThe purpose of this paper is to present the marketing success, retail & consumer trends, expansion and future marketing plan for â€Å"Mall of America: Shopping and a Whole Lot More. For over 20 years Mall of America has been able to attract over 40 million annual vistors driving by both local patrons and tourism. I will discuss my view on what I would like to see at Mall of America’s expansion facility and how that compares to the current facility. In addition to the selection of what vendors will occupy the space, but a marketing plan to appeal to new consumers to increase the number of annual visitors to Mall of America.Paragraph 1The Mall of America has been successful at marketing and maintaining a product that most did not expect to succeed, this is due to the fact that they have something for everyone in their retail and family entertainment complex and is viewed as more than a mall, Mall of America is a destination. Regardless of the weather conditions, yo u can always come to Mall of America and ride a roller coaster and enjoy all the features of the mall. The selection of the anchor stores and specialty stores appeals to different economic levels. In addition to the retail selection, there are activities for the entire family that include movies, a theme park and an aquarium.Paragraph 2Since the opeing of the Mall of America in 1992, consumers have seen large discount retailers that have been able to provide name brand products at a discounted rate. The consumer is always looking for a deal, especially during the time when the economy is slow. Consumers are less likely to go to a mall and spend when they can go to one store and purchase the necessary items at a discount. As we see a recovery in the economy, Mall of America needs to keep in mind that a majority of the consumers are not willing to go back to paying full price for their items and should consider the mix of high end specialy stores to those that are more economical.Para graph 3Mall of of America should use the following criteria to add new facilities to its complex; will this bring new consumers to the mall, will the reason for the visit encourage the consumer to stay an extended period of time at the facility and will the interest be enough for the consumer to return to the facility. Once you have the consumer at the mall, it is not enough to have them fulfill what they are there for, but to entice the consumer to want more. Example would be to add a small concert venue that would bring in concert goers for dinner, the concert and possible hotel stay.Paragraph 4Mall of America managers should continue to market as a destination. When you market as a destination this relates to the local consumer and those visiting from outside the area. If hotels are added, marketing can offer vacation packages to include hotel stay, theme park tickets, movie tickets and aquarium tickets at discounted rates. In addition, the vacation package could include a 10% di scount to all retailers in the mall for a specified period of time. Vacationers like to plan their vacation at a discounted rate, but also prefer to handle all the planning in one location and not have to contact several companies to plan a vacation. If Mall of America adds facilities that is similar to an all inclusive vacation package, they will continue to build on their success.ConclusionMall of America has been very successful launching and maintaining a concept that most people did not expect to succeed. The success has been driven by offering their vistors a retail and family entertainment complex that is viewed as more than a mall, Mall of America is a destination. During the expansion, Mall of America will need to determine which facilities will increase the number of annual visitors up from 40 million. Changing this destination from a one day visit to a multiple day vacation site.

Monday, July 29, 2019

CIS204 U4 Discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

CIS204 U4 Discussion - Coursework Example The connection created in the WAN is however private and secured, and cannot be accessed by the public. VPNs are good at establishing business connections between two sites using the IPsec or the Internet Protocol Security (IPS). The reason as to why this technology has been recommended to the company is the security in information flow. The technology is also good for connecting man sites, which can be helpful for customer care services. The numerous rooms in the hotel premise can all be connected to the customer care. Advantages of this type of technology is the cost associated with establishing it (Thrivenetworks 2015). Companies can establish the network at a cheaper price than in any other technologies used. The network is also highly protected from access by unauthorized people. This security ensures more secure communication by the people in it. For growing companies, this technology proves to be the most ideal as it does not need addition of other components so as to accommodate new users (Thrivenetworks 2015). Disadvantages of this technology are the complexity involved when there is addition of new infrastructure, and the security issues involved when using a mobile device to establish connection (Thrivenetworks 2015). WAN establishes a computer connection between two points. Several technologies can be used to establish connections between sites. VPN connection proves to be the best for business organizations due to the low cost and high level of security. For the business organizations, the best option for wireless solution would be a Cisco Network. The network could be configured to have a central switch board for easy control. This system would also be highly compatible with the VPN technology

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Breast cancer screening and management in AL Nor Hospital Airport Essay

Breast cancer screening and management in AL Nor Hospital Airport Road, Abu dhabi UAE - Essay Example The hospital also participates in the World Cancer day, so as to create awareness on the management of breast cancer. Al Nor Hospital is based along the Airport road in Abu Dhabi. The hospital is state-of-the-art, and it was developed in 2008. The hospital provides diverse services in the areas of; in-patient and out-patient services, diagnostic services, surgical procedures, and medical services. Most importantly, the hospital boasts of 24 hours GP and emergency procedures or services. The hospital has five operating theaters, with 103 bed capacity that has VIP and royal suits. Staffs of the hospital are highly trained in tope hospitals and medical schools in the USA and Europe. The medical facilities are most advanced, with latest diagnostic and treatment procedures and equipment. The hospital has specialized departments in the areas of surgery, cancer treatment, and nuclear medicine. The hospital thus has competent staffs and superior medical facilities, to handle the treatment of breast cancer. The Al Nor Hospital has put adequate financial investments in the management of cancer. In 2014, the hospital entered into a contract to acquire the Gulf International Centre that is valued at US$21.8 million. The centre is the only cancer treatment facility that is found in Abu Dhabi. The land for the cancer centre was additionally leased at US$2.7 million for 25 years. An extra payment of US$2.2 million was made, and it is based on performance. The acquisition process was accomplished on February 10, 2014 (Al Noor Hospitals Group PLC., 2014). Cancer is a health condition that results from the uncontrolled growth of abnormal body cells. This condition occurs when the body’s control system fails to work properly leading to the persistence of old cells that grow abnormally into new abnormal cells. These new abnormal cells may form a mass of cells called a

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Injury statistics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Injury statistics - Research Paper Example Other recordable cases recorded a 0.4%. According to code2, 622, there was an annual average employment of 344600 medical practitioners. The injury incidence rate was 11.8% declining by 0.8% to 10.2% in the year 2010. Similarly, there were 7.5 totals of recordable cases, having 1.9 % in total of cases. These cases are further divided into two: cases with days away from work, having a total of 2.2 percent while cases with job restrictions or transfer having recorded 2.6 %. Other recordable cases summed up to a 14.1 %. Analyzing this data further, it is suggested that the general medical and surgical hospitals recorded the highest number of employees, with a total of 4317300 employees, followed by a specialty hospital closely with a total of 198800 annually1 employed people. The Psychiatric and substance abuse clinic trickled down last in the industry with a total of 10000 people. Total recordable cases were 0.3%, 1.9 % and 4.2 % respectively with total recordable cases of 0.3%, 3.5% and 4.2 % respectively. Analyzing further indicates that the cases with days away from work recorded a combined total of 0.3 % with 0.3%, 2.9% and 5.6% respectively in these sub-industries. According to the Code3, code 622, the hospital industry, the psychiatric and substance abuse sub-industry recorded a 99.4% on average annual employment with a total of 7.3 % and 8.5% of incidences in 2008 and 2009 respectively. The editor’s report conquers with the figure indicating that both fatal and nonfatal sections have a recordable reduction in workplace injuries cases in 2009. The total recordable cases have declined significantly since 2002. It is indicated that more than half were of a serious nature. The hospital industry, likewise, recorded a decrease in injury cases in 2010, 2009 and 2008 respectively. In summary, both the fatal and nonfatal workplace cases and injuries declined significantly in the year 2010 from the year

Friday, July 26, 2019

Economy Fashion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Economy Fashion - Essay Example The lines of authority, decision making and the planning processes are unclear to the employees and the owner of the company. As the company was to be inherited by Joe through his father, it was pretty much evident that he would not focus on the performance aspect of company. He focused on the designing process of the business, leaving the main area of performance vacant. Although it was a good step to follow the designing process which would help Joe to focus on the production area of the company but this focus alone would not really help in isolation. Proper business sense, entrepreneurship and the some ability and knowledge to run the management of the organization was as important as the designing process. The lack f this ability from the start led Joe to act as an autocratic leader within the organization. Although the system within the organization seemed to be a decentralized one, it was not actually a decentralized one. The decision making power lied in the hand of Joe and th is blocked the way for innovative ideas being forwarded by the management of the organization, even the smallest decision involving immaterial items were taken by the owner himself. This clearly shows that there is a lack of delegation within the organization and proper delegation would result in better flow of information within the company. Collection of Evidence There are two ways of collecting evidence about these problems, one way is to do quantitative analysis and the other is to perform a qualitative analysis. The quantitative analysis would include analyzing the financial performance of the company and assessing whether those financial records are properly recorded and maintained as per their specified standards. The reduction in the function of the Vice President to a mere office manager suggests that the company may not be recording the financial information correctly. To analyze this further, a proper analysis of all the financial statements prepared by the company should be assessed to ensure that the information is recorded correctly. As Economy Fashions is growing gradually, it would need proper financial records to ensure responsibility accounting within the organization. Responsibility accounting would help in identifying those people kept responsible for the running of any particular department/division. The qualitative analysis would include the assessment of the organization’s structure and the organizational culture to ensure whether a decentralized system can be implemented within the organization. Besides the decentralization issue, there is a clear lack of succession planning within the organization. Succession planning would help in future planning for a company i.e. a replacement for an existing employee at an important position should be properly planned such that when the existing employees retires or quits the job, the replacement of that employee should be ready and he/she should be equally good as the one who quits the job. Quantitative and Qualitative Issues With the implementation of the decentralized structure and the â€Å"Coach and Team Syndrome† Concept there would be some other problems that need to be addressed within Economy Fashions. The quantitative and qualitative issues that would need attention would be; Divisional managers performance being appraised on the basis of the â€Å"Return on Capital Employed† concept, this would mean that each division’s return would be compared with the initial investment made in that division and finally upon those basis, the performance of the divisional manager would be ascertained. The evaluation of the manager using the ROCE concept would lead to dysfunctional behavior where the manager

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Holocost audio reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Holocost audio reflection - Essay Example As far as I understood, she was a child, was separated from her parents and miraculously survived during the holocaust. Together with other survivors she is speaking all over the world about what happened, and I believe it is a great idea for new generations to know about this moment in the history, in order for such horrible thing not to happen again. I believe that the holocaust took place because of prejudice and hatred to the people of the Jewish nations. Nazis believed that they are superior nation and they separated all the people into so called levels, Jewish being at the lowest level, considered by them to be an inferior race. Killing of Jews was not sporadic, everything was planned and the system was well-tweaked. This is what amazes me the most. Thousands of German Nazis took part in it, and most likely they considered themselves to be right. Probably hundreds or thousands historical studies were conducted about the reasons for holocaust. And they are still going on. Such mass killing of one nation never happened in the history of the humanity, and many scientists want to understand what moved those people behind the holocaust. But whatever the reasons, I think this is the most horrible event in the history. When I listen to such accounts, as the one of this lady, or read books of survivors, my only thought is that this should never happen again. If we look at the present world we see hatred to other nations still going on. Taking the USA, for example, which is a multi-national country: people of different nations and religions live here. And though freedom and equal rights are claimed, we still see the hatred: the hatred of whites to blacks, and vice versa; the hatred of people of different religions to each other, claiming that only their faith is true, etc. The wars are still going on in our so called â€Å"civilized† world. Hundreds of people die every day in the 21st

Impact of workforce diversity on organisational performance; Coca-cola Essay

Impact of workforce diversity on organisational performance; Coca-cola - Essay Example It facilitates a firm with having diverse types of skills and abilities as well. The current research lays emphasis upon studying the different aspects of workforce diversity in context to the diversity existing in The Coca-Cola Company. The study vividly analyzes the different characteristics associated to workforce diversity in The Coca-Cola Company. In order to gain deeper understanding of workforce diversity, a semi-structured interview had been conducted with selected employees and managers of the company. The information obtained through the interview process was further analyzed with the help of a number of scholarly articles and publications. Complete efforts were taken by the researcher to analyze the subject matter of workforce diversity from different perspectives. Workforce diversity is a common phenomenon, and as the interaction between different cultures and movement of labour from one place to the other enhances, workforce diversity becomes an unavoidable factor. Hence , firms are required to critically analyze the importance of workforce diversity and whether such diversity will help in meeting organizational goals effectively. Diversity in the workplace is a common phenomenon of the modern day business. Globalization has induced firms to spread their businesses across the globe, thereby, having a workforce from different ethnicity, religion and nationality. Individuals from different parts of the world become united under one brand name. Workplace diversity also includes aspects such as race, gender, age, culture, organizational functions and education. A diverse workforce affects the formal culture, which exists within the organization. Multinational companies are required to ensure that, workforce diversity has a positive impact upon the overall performance. Diversity is not only about how

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

DWI (debate) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

DWI (debate) - Essay Example However, before taking a stand in this issue, DWI should consider the legal and ethical implications of the change proposed by FCC. The further consolidation and merger among industry players will mean observance of more policies set by the government concerning duopolies and tripolies which are not currently allowed. DWI will also be faced with the challenge of operating in a less deregulated media industry. If DWI will merge with other media players, it will also be faced by the burden of delineating the responsibilities and ownership within the newly formed organization. Ethically, DWI should consider all its stakeholders including its customers, employees, competitors, lobbying groups, and other public relations. Since consolidation and merger often means downsizing, DWI should also be ready to legally give fulfill its liability to its employees. In this issue, the company should thoroughly consider its employees especially now that they are vocally expressing their opposition to the new policy. DWI's stand will surely have a huge impact on its image. It should be noted that researches have exposed that free TV does not really suffer from losses because most of these companies are connected or even owners of cable stations.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The College of Business at VIP University Case Study

The College of Business at VIP University - Case Study Example The first being ranked position one, and the least performing being ranked 30. In the alternative rank order, the serial alternates between the best and the worst. On the hand, paired comparison identifies each student as a group and compares her/him with every member of the class independently based on a specified criterion. Forced distribution entails the distribution of students’ performance into three categories that are excellent, poor, and bad. The paired comparison comparative analysis is highly suited to examine the performance of the 30 students. The implementation of the method would first entail listing of the 30 students on a sheet of paper. Thereafter, the first student on the list would be compared with the second student on the list. Student with the better performance rating would be checked. Subsequently, the first student would be compared against all other 29 students, and the process repeated for all students. The student emerging with most checks would be the best performing in the class. The performance information of each student could be obtained from the students themselves, his or her peers, academic results, and personal evaluation by professor. In accordance with Lunenburg and Ornstein (2012) arguments, the paired comparisons are highly suited method of comparative performance measurement since it enables the comparison of each and every student’s performance based on specified qualities. The r esults from the analysis could further aid in the provision of individual student guidance in relation to the obtained

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gothic Art Essay Example for Free

Gothic Art Essay Gothic art refers to an art movement in the middle ages (Van de Bogart 70) that started in France around 1140 (the time that the ambulatory of the Church of Saint-Denis was constructed [Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†]) and lasted up until late 16th century throughout Europe (Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†). In this paper, an introduction to Gothic art, with a concentration on Gothic church architecture, shall be discussed. To effectively provide an overview of this artistic style, this paper shall tackle the following: the roots of the term, â€Å"gothic†; a discussion of the characteristics of Gothic architecture; conclusion. Explaining the Term, â€Å"Gothic† The term â€Å"gothic† was used by Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574), the Italian artist and historiographer known for this book on the famous architects, to refer to the artistic style that characterize the French churches such as the Notre Dame de Paris and the Church of Saint-Denis (Chapuis â€Å"Gothic Art†). The term came from the barbarians called Goths who were then known to lack the civility that the people â€Å"civilized† people such as the Romans ought to have. These barbarians were one of the Nordic tribes likened to that of the Vandals as despoilers (Tarnocyova 69) that brought the â€Å"civilization-filled† Roman Empire into flames (Chapuis â€Å"Gothic Art†). As such, the Goths represent a regression or at the very least a certain sort of backwardness, crudeness, and lack of refinement. In fact, the Academie dArchitecture, meeting in 1710, still described unacceptable architectural manners as â€Å"gothic† (Tarnocyova 69). Hence, the term is originally a pejorative term that intends to put down an artistic style and say that the style is at the very least barbaric and rude. The reason why Vasari charged the artistic style as â€Å"gothic† has nothing to do with the merits or demerits of the style. It also has nothing to do with the logic and ingenuity that the artistic style exhibits. Rather, Vasari, just like most people during the Renaissance, were victims of the prejudices of their period. It should be recalled that the Renaissance was characterized by despise for tradition. As such, anything that belonged to the â€Å"dark ages† cannot be considered as good and of value. It is only fairly recent that the artistic manner and beauty of the gothic period is acknowledged for all its already-perceived merits. Gothic Architecture Gothic art is widely known primarily because of Gothic architecture. In fact, as was already stated in the introduction, the beginning of the Gothic period is pegged on the time of the construction of the chevet of the Church of Saint-Denis. It was 1127 when Abbott Suger, then the Abbott of Saint-Denis who was also the confidant of French Kings like Louis VI and Louis VII (Wikipedia â€Å"Gothic Architecture†), decided to rebuild the Church of Saint-Denis. This rebuilding eventually gave way to a new art period. How was this period initiated, then? At this point, it will be worthwhile to first state the Abbot’s philosophical ideas that contributed a lot to the underlying spiritual ideology of the Gothic Saint-Denis. Abbot Suger was some sort of philosopher/theologian in his own right. Corresponding with the theologian Dionysius from Syria (whose philosophy was some sort of Neoplatonist Christianity) (Helfrich â€Å"History of Gothic Architecture†), Suger came with the theory that God could best be represented as a powerful light, as a â€Å"supernatural light† as he would call it (Helfrich â€Å"History of Gothic Architecture†), who through his omnipotence, spiritualizes everything that is material. As such, God’s church ought to be a place where light is mostly present. God’s church, being the gathering place of his people, ought to also be the place where God, as light, could put his people together represented by an enveloping light. With this in mind, Abbot Suger started rebuilding the west front of the church first (the abbot left the Carolingian nave untouched and moved to reconstruct the eastern part of the church). The initial impetus that defined the changes that the abbot did on the church was the desire to put more light on the choir. He wanted the effect of having something like a â€Å"Heavenly Jerusalem† (Tarnocyova 69) that is primarily perceived to be luminescent, in one way reflecting the glory, majesty and power of the One True God. In this way, the Church acts truly as Christ’s earthly bride, bringing heaven-on-earth, making the physical reflect what is spiritual. It was this eastern reconstruction that would eventually be considered the very first Gothic art. Putting this ideal was not an easy task to do. In the first place, the Romanesque period created bulky churches with thick walls and fewer and smaller windows. The creation of light, then, would entail an architecture that was different from what was then mainstream. It was in the face of this task that Abbot Suger’s architects thought of using a more sophisticated technology, the pointed arch. The use of the pointed arch gave the architects additional flexibility that was not accessible through the curved arches. For one, the use of the arch meant lesser lateral thrust of the roof on the walls (Chapuis, â€Å"Gothic Art†). In addition to this, the new system of ribbed vaults allowed for thinner columns, allowing the stone material of the vaults to be lighter (Chapuis, â€Å"Gothic Art†) and space to be wider. Another important technology is the flying buttress that gave support to the thinner walls. These allowed for more space and more windows to be installed in these churches. More space and more windows meant more light penetrating the Church (or, in the case of Saint-Denis, the ambulatory of the church). Thus, Suger’s ideal is now a reality and Gothic architecture, with its characteristic pointed arches, ribbed vaults, and flying buttresses, is finally born. It does not mean of course that Abbot Suger thought of Gothic architecture from a vacuum. It has to be remembered that â€Å"ribbed vaults, buttresses, clustered columns, ambulatories, wheel windows, spires and richly carved door tympanums were already features of ecclesiastical architecture† (Wikipedia â€Å"Gothic Architecture†). Even the pointed arch which is used to typify Gothic architecture is not a product of a strike of genius. Assyrian architecture already made use of pointed arches as early as 720 B. C. (Wikipedia, â€Å"Gothic Architecture†). Islamic presence in Europe, most especially in Spain, would account for the introduction of these arches in the West. What characterizes Gothic architecture then is not the presence of these individual architectural traits but the putting of these elements together forming a unique architectural style that allows for spires, space, pointed arches, ribbed vaults, grand rose windows, clustered columns, ambulatories to exist in one magnificent monument. Actually, as it could be noticed, these characteristics were put together not out of whim; Abbot Suger did not put these traits together just because. Instead, these architectural traits were utilized because of a purpose: the creation of light and space in the choir of Saint-Denis. Thus, as is always acknowledged, these beautiful architectural traits came together out of technical need. Gothic architecture then is a product of a technical and spiritual need that eventually is characterized by the typical Latin cross floor plan at the same literally showing forth height and light (Helfrich â€Å"History of Gothic Architecture†). Everything in a Gothic church shows forth height. This vertical emphasis could immediately be felt by an external viewer who may rapture in awe over the spires and pinnacles of Gothic churches. The facade as well as the entire west front of a church has pointed arches, shafts, and main arcade all of which pointing up. These amplify the already overwhelming effect of spires that unanimously bring the gazer’s eyes to heaven. Entering the Gothic church would continue that ethereal experience since the nave of a Gothic church is usually very high in proportion to its width. Upon looking up, the gazer would be led to look the ribbed vaults all of which leading to a boss in a pointing way. Not only would the gazer be enamored by the height that uplifts the spirit; there is also the magnificent ray of lights that passes through strain glasses and more magnificently through rose windows. Gothic churches are famous for these magnificent rose wheel windows the best ones such as those in Notre Dame and Chartres create the effect of the flooding of light all over the cathedral. These light rays are complemented by the large and numerous other windows in the church. The flooding of light and the univocal stress on height is again complemented by the Gothic sculpture on the tympanum or columns or totally not attached at all to architecture (Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†). Such architecture is characterized by naturalism at the same time the constant solemn disposition (Encarta â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture†). Conclusion Gothic art, specifically Gothic architecture, has been created initially out of the spiritual need that Abbot Suger problematized in Saint-Denis. This was then followed by the architectural-technical need to be able to answer to this spiritual need. These series of needs brought forth the fusion which is now acknowledged to be one of the greatest styles in architecture called gothic art. Works Cited â€Å"Gothic Architecture. † Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 2 October 2007. 5 October 2007. http://en. â€Å"Gothic Architecture† History Link 101. January 2004. 2 October 2007. http://www. historylink101. com/lessons/art_history_lessons/ma/gothic_architecture. htm. â€Å"Gothic Art and Architecture. † Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia, 2002. â€Å"Gothic Art. † Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia. 4 October 2007. 5 October 2007. http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Gothic_art. â€Å"Parts of a Cathedral. † Medieval Time Reference. 2 October 2007. http://www. btinternet. com/~timeref/cathpart. htm Chapuis, Julien. Gothic Art. In Timeline of Art History. October 2002. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. 10 October 2007 http://www. metmuseum. org/toah/hd/mgot/hd_mgot. htm. Helfrich, Serge. History of Gothic Architecture. 10 October 2007 http://www. xs4all. nl/~helfrich/gothic/architecture. html Tarnocyova, Bronislava. †Gothic Architecture† Bratislava Leaders Magazine III (2007): 68-69. Van de Bogart, Doris. Introduction to the Humanities: Painting, Sculpture, Architecture, Music and Literature. New York: Barnes Noble, 1970.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Theories of Kant for Company Ethics

Theories of Kant for Company Ethics Early growth in computer processing had little effect on jobs, But as year goes by artificial intelligent had evolve to a point where it is able to think like a human as more and more large amount of new skills were being captured. With these robots, automation or software it is possible to replace people who’s worked in manufacturing industry, service industry or even agriculture industry. Since the notable advancement in computing technology which moves from improved industrial robotics to automated translation service. Andrew McAfee believes that these transition had becoming the reasons behind the sluggish employment growth of the last 10 to 15 years as the rapid technological change has been destroying job faster than it is creating them. (Andrew McAfee, 2012) Therefore, a new argument had risen over the years among employer and employees whether should companies should be responsible for the unemployment caused by their information system. Hence several ethical point of view had been brought up to response to this issue where from ethical egoism point of view believes that companies should not responsible for unemployment as with the information system they are able to benefit from a long term profit therefore this is a morally right action. But Kantianism point of view will be discussed throughout this article to respond to this issue. Kantianism is a deontological ethical theory that concludes that the only good thing in the world that can be called good without qualification is a good will. (Michael J.Quinn, 2003) This bring us back to the issue where should companies be responsible for unemployment caused by their information system. From Kantianism perspective, companies should be responsible for unemployment as Kantianism theory had pointed out that when ones struggles between what ones’ want to do and what ones’ ought to do, what ones’ want to do is no longer important. Ones should only focus on what ones’ ought to do (Michael J.Quinn, 2003). Therefore, the discussion below will look into several categorical imperative formulation that were proposed by Kant to have an in depth view to determine whether companies should or should not be responsible for from Kantianism perspective. Categorical Imperative first formulation poses the basic conception of fairness and universalizability where there will be a consistent law that were tailored for everyone and not there cannot be one rule for me and another for everyone else. For examples, if a company starts to retrench employees that were caused by their information system and felt that it is ok for that company to retrench their employees by doing so companies will be denying and destroy the relationship between employees and employers where employees will lose trust in their employers as they might just get replaced anytime by Information System which leads them to lower productivity and the whole act of making them unemployed will be self-destructing. The desire for consistency will drives the first formulation where could companies retrench employee cause of their information system? Of course not, If every companies in the whole starts to implement information system and replacing their worker with it, it will cause an immense chaos to the world economy where 40% of low income manual labor will lose their jobs in United State and also shifting the bull’s eye onto the middle class workers where jobs like accountant might be replaced by software too. This would lead to severe loss of foundation income for their families where day to day expenses will be a huge problems for these families. (SHOULD ADD MORE IMPACT ONTO THE WHOLE SOCIETY LATER)Since if every company implements information system and causes unemployment, everyone would be unemployed which will disrupt the whole economy and lead the whole world to poverty all because of a personal interest. Therefore, it is wrong for a company to cause unemployment due to their implemented information system and company have to responsible for this issue that were caused by them solely for maximizing their profits. Categorical Imperative second formulation can be seen as the act in such a way that you always  treat humanity, whether in your own person or in the person of any other, never simply as a mean but always at the same time as an end. (Michael Rohlf, 2010). Therefore, portrait that rational agency is to be valued for its own sake â€Å"as an end† and that it is therefore illegitimate ever to treat a rational agent merely as a means to an end. Looking back to the case study provided, by implementing information system and causing unemployment, company had treated their employees as a mean to an end. The company sacrifices the job opportunity of their employees in order to achieve a lower cost for their product and higher productivity but at the cost of retrenching their workers. It was wrong for the company to retrench their employees as the company is treating their employees as a working machine rather than a rational agent with whom they could work with and try to collaborate machines with human instead of replacing all of the employees to solely automations. According to Kant there are two types of beings one being known as persons and other known as things.(H.J Paton, 1964) A person consist of infinite worth whereas things have a finite worth and can be bought or sold. In this case, company had treated their employees as a ‘things’ instead of a ‘person’ as company weighs them as a finite worth and retrench them in order to achieve company’s need which is to obtain a low cost production and being able to maximize shareholder’s wealth. Therefore, company is responsible for the unemployment cause by implementation of information system as according to categorical imperative second formulation, there should be moral exchanges between parties, as each parties treat each other not solely as an object of instrumental value alone but as objects of intrinsic value too. Thus, company should recognize their employees as au tonomous and rational human beings that are capable of willing freely and not upset or frustrate the freedom and autonomy of their employees by channeling forces or threats to retrench them just because their productivity is not on par as machines. Categorical Imperative third formulation stated that all maxims as proceeding from our own making of law ought to harmonize with a possible kingdom of end. In lay man’s term it means that in considering morality, we need to imagine ourselves making law in a Kingdom of people who are ends in themselves and should not act selfishly or be swayed by emotions which in our case company implementing information system in their organization. Whilst these automation could help in increasing the overall productivity, lowering down total product cost and also results in a higher earning does not mean that ones have to do it, instead company should integrate or implement partial machines that could help in increasing the overall productivity. In so doing, these company will make law for rational people where when we are torn between universal moral laws (retrenching employees without any proper reason will cause upsets to them which will demoralized them and ending their source of income) and particular desires produced in us (implementing machines to maximizes profit), you find a rational solutions to aid the problems (inter-cooperate human and machines together) which does achieve a particular desires and does falling towards either side. That said being able to look at several Kant’s point of view, we could conclude that Kant had several point of view where first formulation focuses on universalized rules where ones act only on that principle of action through which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law where if rule is universalized, any companies that implemented information system will have to retrench their employees, employees loses their job and thus lowering the purchasing power which would results in more economy downturn. Therefore the rules is self-defeating and it company should be responsible for the unemployment caused by their information system. However, the second point of view focuses on looks into treating people as ends in themselves rather than means to ends. Therefore, company should not treat employees as a mean to end by retrenching them just because they had found a better substitute for them instead company should treat them as a rational people where coll aborating them into catching up with new skill sets to work on other fields. Lastly, Kant’s third formulation states that in everything ones do and every autonomous action ones makes, ones is required to picture himself/herself as a person writing the law for a new kingdom where everybody must treat everybody else as end in themselves which company have to find a rational principle of act to solve the issue between maximizing profit and unemployment where it will harmonize both parties. #Provide real world examples. References Biblography

Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Pet Rabbits S1009684

Prevalence of Intestinal Parasites in Pet Rabbits S1009684 Analyzing the prevalence of intestinal parasites in pet rabbits s1009684 ABSTRACT Domestic rabbits are becoming increasingly popular as household pets. There is conflicting advice currently given to pet owners with regards to the prevalence of intestinal parasites. 36 rescue rabbits were faecal sampled and assessed for intestinal parasites using a McMasters counting chamber method whereby oocysts per gram (OPG) were calcualted. Of the 36 rabbits sampled, 30 were shown to have intestinal parasites, coccidia being the most prevalent at 83%. Age of the rabbit sampled showed to be a significant indicator for prevalence of infection with rabbits 3 months to 1 year old having the highest prevalence of coccidia. Breed or number in housing environment had no effect on prevalence. Nematodes and cestodes were found in some of the rabbit faecal samples but were not considered significant. No rabbit sampled showed signs of disease or ill health, therefore concluding that OPG was not an indicator for prophylactic intestinal parasite treatment. INTRODUCTION Rabbits are currently rated the third most popular pet in the UK with PDSA estimating the pet population to be around 1.7 million (PDSA Animal Wellbeing Report 2012). As pet rabbits are available in a multitude of varying breeds, sizes, body shapes and personalities it is no wonder they have increased significantly in popularity as pets over the years. Typically domestic rabbits have a life span of 8-12 years with many living longer if cared for in the most appropriate manner. Cat and Dog owners today are very aware of the importance of routine intestinal parasite prevention however, the same cannot be said for rabbit owners. Currently there is a lack in continuity of advice from breeders, pet shop owners and vets as to whether or not it is appropriate to routinely prevent against intestinal parasites. Common intestinal parasites of pet rabbits are Coccidia, Nematodes and Cestodes all of which show little to no zoonotic threat. Coccidiosis is the most common intestinal parasite in rabbits and is a highly contagious protozoal sporazoral infection (Bhat et al 1996). It is caused by the protozoal parasite Eimeria sp. There have been as many as 25 species of coccidia identified, each with varying degrees or pathogenicityand organ specificity (AL-Naimi et al 2012). Healthy rabbits can be asymptomatic carriers of the protozoa. All Eimeria species undergo complex life cycle having both intracellular and extracellular stages and asexual and sexual reproduction (AL-Naimi et al 2012). Coccidiosis is initiated by oral ingestion of the sporulated oocyst by a susceptible host (AL-Naimi et al 2012) and the â€Å"infection will develop into disease in young rabbits primarily whereas adults are mostly carriers† (Coudert P., 1989). There are two main forms of the disease, hepatic and intestinal with the latter being more common (Coudert et al. 1995). The majority of the intestinal species develop in the small intesti nes. Symptoms of the disease include failure of young animals to gain weight, diarrhoea, anaemia and growth retardation (Hobbs and Twigg 1998). There are non pathogenic to slightly pathogenic Eimeria sp (, E. exigua, E.perforans E. coecicola), moderately pathogenic (E. irresiduia , E.magna, E.piriformis) and extremely pathogenic (E.intestinalis, E.flavescens) (Licois and Coudert, 1980; Coudert et al., 1993). In all the intestinal types the prepatent phase lasts from 5-35 days. The nematode or pinworm Passalurus ambiguus is a very common parasite of the domestic rabbit (Boag 1988). They are long thin worms which are often first noted by owners on the surface of freshly passed faeces (Boag et al 2001). The adult worms are inactive with the immature larvae being mildly pathogenic causing weight loss (Cattadori, Albert and Boag, 2007). Infection is spread through faecal oral route from contaminated animals (Cattadori, Albert and Boag, 2007). Less common nematodes found in domestic rabbits are the Obeliscoides cuniculi and the Trichostrongylus spp (Cattadori, Albert and Boag, 2007). The most common cestode or tapeworm to be found in the domestic rabbit is the Taenia pisiformis, however in general cestodes are not commonly isolated from pet rabbits (Cattadori, Boag and Hudson, 2008). The larval forms of the tapeworm develop in the liver and abdominal cavity, compared to the adult form which can be found in the intestines of the rabbit (Cattadori, Boag and Hudson, 2008). The larval forms are more common in hutched rabbits. The life cycle of the T. pisiformis is dependent on the dog. Rabbits acquire tapeworms by ingesting contaminated feed and water containing tapeworm segments and eggs from the faeces of dogs (Poderson and Fenton, 2006). The young larvae are then released from the egg, penetrate the digestive tract and migrate to the liver (Poderson and Fenton, 2006). They migrate within the liver, entering into the abdominal cavity. Here they will form fluid filled cysts (cysticerci) which can exit the abdominal cavity with faeces which can then be ingested by do gs (Dolibes-Matcos et al,. 2009), where it is able to develop into a mature tapeworm (Poderson and Fenton, 2006). Therefore parasite prevention within multi pet households plays a pivotal role in cestode population within domestic rabbits (Poderson and Fenton, 2006). There has been considerable research done on intestinal parasites of rabbits used for farming purposes, whether it be for meat or fur production as they have the potential to be a production loosing expense. However the same cannot be said for the domestic household pet rabbit. For this reason there is inconsistent advice given to rabbit owners with regards to the prevalence, prevention and treatment of intestinal parasites. In an attempt to correct this short coming, this study aims to analyse the prevalence of intestinal parasites in a random population of domestic rabbits, to ascertain if prophylactic intestinal parasite treatment is warranted. METHODS AND MATERIALS Faecal samples were collected from 36 randomly selected domestic rabbits. The rabbits were all rescued or surrendered rabbits with unknown previous parasite treatment history. The rabbits were all of varying ages and breeds. The rabbits when sampled were all housed outdoors either in multi rabbit accommodation or single hutches. It was unknown if the rabbits had previously been housed indoors or outdoors. Fresh faecal pellets were collected from each rabbit individually. The faeces was stored in plastic sealed bags and stored at 4 °C until analysis. The McMasters technique was used to assess the faecal samples. 4 grams of faeces was placed into a container and 56ml of saturated salt solution was added (400grams of sodium chloride in 1000ml of water with a specific gravity of 1.18-1.20) (Carvalho et al. 2011; Mundt et al. 2005; Velkers, et al. 2010). The contents of the container were thoroughly mixed and then filtered through a tea strainer (Cattadori, Albert and Boag, 2007). The r emaining suspension was then transferred into the McMasters counting chamber using a pipette and rested for 5 minutes (Coudert et al. 1995). The number of oocysts, nematodes and cestodes were calculated within each chamber and then multiplied by 50 to give the oocyst, nematodes or cestode per gram of faeces (OPG) (Cattadori, Albert and Boag, 2007). Analysing the McMasters chamber allowed for the identification of different nematode and cestode eggs however only the Eimeria sp was able to the identified. Further analysis into what subspecies was present was not completed as this required sporulation of the oocysts which was not feasible in this study. This statistical package Minitab was used for data analysis and a value of P RESULTS Of the 36 rabbit faecal samples tested, 30 rabbits showed to have intestinal parasites. Table 1 shows the most common parasite found on faecal analysis was coccidia, Eimeria sp with a prevalence of 83% followed by Passalurus ambigious 22%. With 83% of the population sampled infected with Eimeria sp further analysis was done with regards to possible influences on the intensity of invasion. Table 2 shows the effect of age of the rabbits with regards to prevalence of Eimeria sp. There was a significant difference (P value Eimeria sp. There was a higher prevalence noted with rabbits who were aged 3 months to 1 year compared to less than 3 months or over one year old. This is consistent with results recorded by Fa Jing et al. 2011. Table 3 shows the effect of breed with regards to the prevalence of Eimeria sp. The Lionhead rabbits were most effected with Eimeria sp, with a prevalence of 28% however there was no significant difference (P value >0.05) in varying breeds with prevalence of th e parasite. Table 3 reports that there was a slightly higher prevalence of Eimeria sp in rabbits housed in a multiple rabbit hutch compared to rabbits who were housed signally, prevalence being 44% and 39% respectively. However, there was no significant difference seen between the two groups (P value >0.05). Table 1: Prevalence of intestinal parasites of 36 sampled domestic rabbits Table 2: Prevalence and intensity of coccidia infection in rabbits sampled dependent on age groups Table 3: Prevalence and intensity of coccidia infection in rabbits sampled dependent on breed Table 4: Prevalence and intensity of coccidia infection in rabbits sampled dependent number in housing DISCUSSION Rai et al. (1985) reported that coccidosis was the most common protozoan disease encountered by rabbits causing acute and chronic disease in all age groups. Be it that the subject group Rai et al 1985 reported on were farmed rabbits destined for the meat trade, this study focussing on domestic pet rabbits has revealed comparable results, with Eimeria sp being the most prevalent internal parasite recorded. Coudert, (1989) suggested that there was no correlation between OPG and the severity of the disease seen in the rabbits. This suggestion correlates to the results reported in this study as even the rabbits with the highest OPG’s, Lionhead breeds and rabbits of 3 months to 1 year of age were not showing any signs of clinical disease (Licois and Coudert, 1980; Coudert et al., 1993). Previous studies by Pakandl et al. (2008) and Papeschi et al. (2013) showed that adult rabbits have the ability to be asymptomatic carriers of the protozoa which stands to reason why non of the rabb its sampled for this study who showed to have a coccidia infestation were not showing any clinical signs of illness. Bhat et al. (1996) described rabbit coccidia as â€Å"very immunogenic† with the ability for hosts to develop natural resistance especially with regards to E.intestinalis. Possibly this may be the reason for 6 rabbits of the 36 sampled to be free from coccidia. A â€Å"crowding phenomenon† was described by Brackett and Bliznick, (1952) which discusses the importance of housing population numbers with respects to OPG’s recorded. Although the prevalence of coccidia in rabbits housed in multiple numbers was higher compared to rabbits housed as individuals, there was no significant difference to be found between the two in this study. Subclinical coccidiosis disease is a possible explanation for 30 of the 36 rabbits sampled who showed to have OPG but not showing clinical signs of disease. As there was no previous history on the rabbits, it is not possible to determine if the rabbits have been slowly decreasing on body weight over time. Even though body weight is a simple recording to be made it is the most accurate when determining if subclinical protozoan disease is present or not (Boag et al 2001; Licois and Coudert, 1980). Multiple studies have shown that there is a relationship between myxoma virus and internal nematode infections within rabbit populations (Boag, 1988; Boag et al., 200; Lello et al., 2005). It has been concluded by Cattadori et al., (2007), (2008) that rabbits which are infected with myxoma virus and or rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus (RHDV) are more susceptible to intestinal nematode and cestode infections (Licois and Coudert, 1980). Given that the vast majority of domestic rabbits are commonly vaccinated against both myxoma virus and RHDV, it stands to reason that this is a contributing factor for the low nematode and cestode prevalence recorded in this study. The aim of this study was to determine if the prevalence of intestinal parasites in pet rabbits warrants routine worming. Given that no rabbit in the sample population was showing signs of clinical intestinal parasitic disease and there were low prevalence percentages for nematodes and cestodes, it can be concluded that routine worming of pet rabbits is not warranted. The high prevalence of coccidia within the population could be contributed to asymptomatic carriers, whereby until clinical signs of disease develop namely weight loss and diarrhoea it would then be appropriate to consider treatment for the disease. This topic should not be considered exhausted by any means. There is great room for scope in this field with only limited research published on this subject to date. Further studies would benefit from greater background knowledge on the sample population, especially with regards to previous medical history and treatment. Given that the domestic rabbits as household pets is continuing to increase in popularity further research into preventable disease is paramount.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Common Themes In Short Stories :: essays research papers

James Joyce, a most prestigious author of many titles, has incorporated into his works many different thoughts, life experiences, as well as themes. Those three things that he used in his works I believe are what made him the awesome author he is today. The main focus of this paper is to inform you of the themes that reoccur in many of his short stories. Some themes that I noticed were: family, frustration, dreams of escape, love infatuations, and finally, sin. Family is a strong theme in Joyce’s writings for in Araby, the young teen finds himself obeying his uncle and asking his permission to go to the festival showing his sense of respect and need for family. In Eveline the family theme can be seen when Eveline stays and takes over the role of head of the household as a teen when her mother dies, because she feels it is her duty and she owed it to her mother. The family theme that I identified can be interpreted many different ways from the context that it was written, but these two short stories were appropriate for this theme. Frustration another prevailing theme in some of Joyce’s work has also been outlined in Araby. Everyday the boy would suffer with an infatuation with a girl he could never have. He even had to deal with his frustration of his self-serving uncle, which he and his aunt were afraid of. The absolute epitome of frustration comes from his uncle when he arrived late at home delaying the one chance of going to Araby. When the boy arrives at Araby to find out that all of the shops are closed his true frustration was reveled on the inside. James Joyce, the man who implied all of his themes was a master of disguise because this theme was an extreme accomplishment to find. The dream of escape comes into play in his stories also. In Araby the boy after arriving at Araby he discovered that everything had already closed. That was his one and only implied chance of escape from his Uncle that was so cruel and uncaring, even unflinching towards what he wanted to do with his life. Joyce uses all of the previous frustration endured by the boy as a springboard for the epiphany he realized in the end. Before the boy had accepted all of the frustration that had come with his life and after the destruction of what was supposed to be his magical escape at the Araby all of the frustration turns into anger and darkness.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Guide Dogs Essay examples -- Blindness Dog Training Papers

Guide Dogs What Exactly is a Guide Dog? As I look around, it seems as though it is raining puppies and dogs. Can you guess where I am? No, it is not the humane society. Give up? I am at a training facility for guide dogs, where everywhere, including the office, there are dogs being played with, spoiled with love, and working hard with their trainers. Now that I have given you a mental picture of what a guide dog training facility looks like, you might like to know what they actually do there. At least that is what I wanted to know. I was amazed after seeing a student at Florida State University with his guide dog, and watching the two interact together. I stared as the dog helped his master avoid people and stopped at the bottom of each series of steps leading up to the Love Building. I had never seen anything like this before. I believed this showed people how smart dogs are and how humans and dogs can intelligently interact together. This incident is what intrigued me to want to know more about dogs as guides. I wanted to know how guide dogs are chosen and trained. Is there a particular breed that is easier to train? These are the questions we will find the answers to. I began my search on the Internet. I was very surprised to see how many guide dog training schools have their own websites. Some only talked about how to volunteer or make contributions to their program, but others were very helpful in my search for information. One of the very first sites I visited gave me a great definition of tasks a guide dog is trained to do. According to the Assistance Dogs International website, guide dogs are provided to assist blind and visually impaired people in avoiding obstacles, stopping at curbs and ste... ... well behaved guide dog you may have seen in the grocery store or somewhere else. Works Cited Assistance Dogs International. Online. Internet. 27 Sept. 1998. Available WWW: <> Green, Kathleen. "You're What? Dog Guide Instructor." Occupational Outlook Quarterly. (Winter 1996): 47-49. Guide Dog Association of N.S.Wales and A.C.T. page. Online. Internet. 28 Sept. 1998. Available WWW: <> Harrington, Paula. Guide Dogs for the Blind: Looking Ahead. San Rafael: Guide Dogs for the Blind, Inc. 1990. Southeastern Guide Dogs. Online. Internet. 27 Sept. 1998. Available WWW: <> Ulrich, Katherine. E-mail interview. 22 October, 1998. Witchel, Alex. "Teaching Man's Best Eyes to See." New York Times. 6 Mar.1996: Cl, C9.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Evil of Colonialism and Imperialism in Heart of Darkness by Joseph

Exploring the Evil of Colonialism in Heart of Darkness   Ã‚  Ã‚   A masterpiece of twentieth-century writing, Heart of Darkness exposes the tenuous fabric that holds "civilization" together and the brutal horror at the center of European colonialism. Joseph Conrad's novella, Heart of Darkness, describes a life-altering journey that the protagonist, Marlow, experiences in the African Congo.   The story explores the historical period of colonialism in Africa to exemplify Marlow's struggles. Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness is most often read as an attack upon colonialism.   Marlow, like other Europeans of his time, is brought up to believe certain things about colonialism, but his views change as he experiences the effects of colonialism first hand. This essay will look at Marlow's negative view of colonialism, which is shaped through his experiences and from his relation to Kurtz.   Marlow's understanding of Kurtz's experiences show him the effects colonialism can have on a man's soul.  Ã‚   Most of Marlow's comments about colonization in general seem to defend or even praise the idea. He says "the conquest of the earth, which mostly means the taking it away from those who have a different complexion or slightly flatter noses than us is not a pretty thing when you look into it too much," but he says that such action is redeemed by the idea behind it. "Not a sentimental pretence but an idea, and an unselfish belief in the idea- something you can set up and bow down before, and offer a sacrifice to" justifies colonization. The idea is civilization, and Marlow's speech indicates that civilizing the rest of the world is worth the sacrifice of the freedom of the uncivilized peoples of the earth. Marlow further describes colonization in gl... ... to a man's soul.   Marlow's journey was not only into the heart of Africa, but also into the heart of Kurtz where he realizes the truth of colonialism and the potential evil it entails.  Ã‚  Ã‚   Works Cited and Consulted: Conrad, Joseph.   Heart of Darkness 3rd Ed.   Ed. Robert Kimbrough. New York:   Norton Critical, 1988. Edward W. Said, The World, the Text, and the Critic. (Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1983) 13.   Hillman, James. "Notes on White Supremacy: Essaying an Archetypal Account of Historical Events," Spring (1986): 29-57. McLynn, Frank. Hearts of Darkness: The European Exploration of Africa. New York: Carol & Gey, 1992. Meyers, Jeffrey.   Joseph Conrad.   New York:   Charles Scribner's Sons, 1991. Patrick Brantlinger, "Heart of Darkness: Anti-Imperialism, Racism, or Impressionism?" Criticism (Fall, 1985) 364.     

Nike Position Paper

Nike Position Paper In our prevalent society today, there is an intricate debate between boycotting and supporting many different transnational corporations such as Nike, Inc. It has been inferred that Nike breaches multiple human rights acts and workplace violations. Dissidently, Nike’s total net income is 273. 4 billion dollars and their annual revenue adds up to approximately 19 billion dollars. This concludes that global citizens are more than voluntary to purchase their merchandise and endorse their business. Nike is involved in several environmental projects such as building athletic courts out of recycled shoes and their â€Å"air pockets† in numerous models of sport sneakers use nitrogen instead of SF6, which is a greenhouse gas. Nike also has â€Å"green† events associated with The Green Project of Long Island in New York State. Nike manufactures in over 30 countries and sells in over 160, with about 36,000 employees’ total. They also have rights to Hurley International and Nike invests in professional athletes to promote their goods. Nike has dynamic and monumental marketing skills that influence our generation conspicuously. In correlation, multinational business’ pay acceptable wages to workers because they have an innumerable amount of expenses unseen by most people. Corporations have significant distribution and tariff expenses bringing their products to market. Furthermore, transnationals’ pay acceptable wages given that profit margins are not as great as people may assume. Competition between producers is so fierce that profits for 214 companies in 1999 were limited to an average of 8. 3%. A wage premium is also applied where wages are 40% to 100% greater than the average rate in many developing countries. It has been fathomed that Nike violates labor laws. But, anti-globalization people often distort the truth on this topic, as in the case of the fake German documentary film against Ikea. It has also been acquiesced that corporations exploit their workers. It is valid that employees’ work long hours, but a New York Times article indicated that the workers do this willingly because this allows them to make more money than they might be able to earn otherwise. Mass business’ such as Nike, constitute investment and the increased export income improves a country’s equilibrium of payment, introduces otherwise unavailable goods and services that are essential for diversifying production, and stimulates local entrepreneurship by subcontracting to local industries and enhancing competition. â€Å"You don’t win silver, you lose gold,† is a famous Nike quote that has much controversy behind it, as do many business affairs pertaining to this iconic corporation. While workers in Indonesia are being paid around 21,000 dollars a year for a myriad amount of hours of hard labor in one day, one of Nike’s promotional athletes, NBA player Kobe Bryant, is being paid over 500,000 dollars a week to bounce a ball around. Workers are told to sign a contract which removes all their rights, they are typically fired by the age of 35, and Safety & Health Administration has found more than 1000 plus violations. Irrevocably, there are two definitive positions of transnational corporations. They have an agglomeration of flaws, but none that can be condemned irremediable. You hear a different opinion from each worker, each newspaper and each monopoly spokesperson. To ostracize such a beneficial asset to our economy would be asinine. People are kept off the streets, with paying jobs, and are making a contribution to society one shoe at a time.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Contrast of Zeena and Mattie in “Ethan Frome” Essay

more or less decisions have an everlasting effect on ones life. Ethan Frome, the protagonist in Edith Whartons Ethan Frome, is tormented by his fanatical love for Mattie Silver, but is morally pinion to Zeena by the sacred bonds of conjugal union. After eld of harsh life with his wife in the dreary town of Starke field of force, Ethan vexs to believe that his great chance at a bright life is with Mattie Silver, a cousin of Zeena, who has come to live with him. However, in the end Matties other side, one which is extraordinarily exchange commensurate to Zeenas attitude, comes to light, later a forestall suicide attempt. In Ethan Frome, Edith Wharton reads an ironic rumormonger on the choices present in an destitute world by presenting tell aparting images to bring up Zeena Frome and Mattie Silver, yet withal presenting details which make them seem a alike.Wharton suggests that Matties cheerful attitude, her plucky activity, and her readiness to inspire cartel in E than, prompts him to believe that Mattie could bring him bliss. One of the reasons wherefore Ethan thinks that Mattie could turn his life around was because she unremarkably everywhereflowed with cheerfulness and energy. Ethan is often fascinated by her gaiety , which to him, was a plain trial impression of indifference. Her cheerful image contrasts sharply with that of Zeena who is ungenerous and melancholy, and brings some cheer into his otherwise obtuse life. Mattie a enlighten exhibits her ability to spread lovingness while she learns her theater duties. When Ethan sees her performing her household duties awkwardly, he bursts come out of the closet express mirth, and, to his surprise, Mattie in like manner bursts out laughing and this made them better friends. This misadventure baffles Ethan who assumed that a woman would flower with embarrassment instead of laughing it outside and charms him so that the idea comes to be embed into him that Mattie would bring him a keen life. Mattie brings him farther happiness by s call for earshot to him especially when he talks of subjects exclusively new to her.When he talked active stars on their way back from the dance, Ethan and Mattie stood entranced and gazed at the starry sky. Talking to Mattie of such subjects gives Ethan a considerable amount of pleasure because he could impart his knowledge to an eager, cheerful and approximately ignorant listener. Matties colorfulness and liveliness also helps Ethan to fall in love with her and establish his conviction that she could bring happiness into his life.Matties colorfulness and liveliness is seen in the church where Mattie is dancing. Ethan, who is sightedness through the window, is entranced by her pretty figure as she danced, and when scarf flew turned her head and stood out behind her shouldersrevealing her laughing panting lips. By righteous feel at her dance, Ethan seems to share the joy that Mattie feels as she dances. Her liveliness also differs with that of Zeena who is something of a cold, egoistical intr everywheret and seldom goes outside for the disquietude of her health. Another scene in which Matties liveliness captivates Ethan is when they are alone in the living board while Zeena was in Bettsbridge. epoch Ethan was talking to Mattie, she changes her countenance oft like a wheat field under a summer breeze. Ethan takes a secret pleasure in see how Mattie reacts to his remarks especially when they talk about compassion Varnum and Ned Hales upcoming marriage and is overjoyed to see Mattie blush when he recounts what he saw Ruth and Ned do. to that extent another scene in which Matties activity streng thuslys his belief is when Mattie intertwines by the fireplace. As she knits, he watches in admiration as her fingers fly like a geminate of birds making short perpendicular flights over their nest. This encourages his notion because she seems to be able to knit like his mother could in the happy days bef ore the illness had taken her. He also shows his appreciation of her abilities by kissing the stuff she made.Matties ability to inspire confidence in Ethan also slip aways him to believe that Mattie could guide him to a happier life. Matties ability to inspire Ethans confidence is clearly shown when they are walking photographic plate from the dance. While walking home he talks to her about the Orion, Aldebaran, and the Pleiades. Mattie listens to Ethan eagerly, leading him to esteem how his dull talk could interest a carefree person who cared little about stars. Mattie also inspires confidence in Ethan when the purge breaks the pickle cater. Shocked and terrified she raises her eye to him for a solution and his courage was up.He is able to free her mind of the overturned stunner and able to mend it copious so that it would look unbroken until he could obtain some glue to lot it. Matties ability again inspires Ethan to gain self-confidence when Zeena orders Jotham Po saluta ry to take Mattie to the railway station. He gains self-confidence by looking at Matties stricken looking and responds by insisting to Zeena that he would take Mattie over to the railway station. This incident in which Ethan was able to muster enough self-confidence to couple Zeena shows how Mattie is able to directly or indirectly to encourage Ethan to have confidence in himself, thus corroborating his idea that he and Mattie could lead a happy life.Despite Matties untiring gaiety, Wharton includes scenes in which she is closely link up to Zeena to imply that Ethans choice is nought but an illusion. One of such scenes in which Mattie closely resembles Zeena is when she prepares the table when Zeena is in Bettsbridge. While she prepares the table, she uses the pickle dish which Zeena never meant for it to be used. Mattie shamelessly using the pickle dish strongly resembles the character of Zeena because like her, Mattie uses the dish secretly and with deception, a quality of Zeen as which Ethan abhors. Mattie again shows strong analogy to Zeena when she and Ethan tantalize down in the living room to pass time.When she sits down to sew in Zeenas chair, Ethan sees in Matties face the face of the superseded woman who was then at Bettsbridge. This shows that Ethans choice is an illusion since Zeena haunts him correct when she is not present and disproves the idea that Ethan would be happy with Mattie because even then Zeenas face would haunt him. The character of Mattie after the coasting accident rudely reveals to Ethan that he had never had any choices all along. When he takes the cashier into his house, the narrator faces two women who look sickly Zeena looks old, and gray withpale opaque eye while Mattie looks bloodless and her eyes have a witch like stare. The narrator also reveals that Matties voice sounds querulous like Zeenas voice. This shows how Mattie and Zeena are similar and the dependency of both the invalids on Ethancontrary to the dreams of Ethan in which he and Mattie would have been free.Wharton depicts the sharp contrast between the morose Zeena and the gay Mattie to imply that Ethans choice is obvious. However, Wharton includes scenes that show the resemblance of Mattie to Zeena to warn the unsuspecting Ethan that Mattie has another personality, which is just as bad as that of Zeena. In the end, Ethan realizes that Mattie had just been a wolf in a sheeps clothing and that from then on he had to carry pack to care for 2 invalids as well as himself.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Body soul destinction Essay

Body soul destinction Essay

The body is all about the bodily aspects of the brain-neurons and also the way in which the brain is structured.Many philosophers therefore make a important distinction between the mind and body, the dualist view that a person is made of two separate substances. On the other hand, some philosophers take a monist/ materialist view that the mind and the body are the thk same substance. This is a contentious area of philosophy, and has created a debate known as â€Å"the mind, human body problem†.Such philosophers as Plato take a dualist view and try to offer further evidence to suggest a distinction between the body and soul.It is located in space and time.Plato used evidence such as the â€Å"world of the forms†. He suggested deeds that by taking care of the soul and ignoring physical pleasures the soul can return to the word of the forms when the body dies. The evidence of Plato’s theory can be seen everyday.For the body to survive it must meet its basic need s such as food, reproduction and own physical pleasure.

He thought that soul and the body were two unique materials.’ According to Aquinas, the soul operates independently of the body. Aquinas believed the only things that are divisible into parts decay. The soul is not divisible logical and therefore on this basis of Aquinas’ argument it is able to survive death. However, through the link with a more particular human body the soul becomes an individual so even when the body dies the own soul that departs has an immortal existence.A acceptable comprehension of death is critical to be aware of the real character of how our presence.This supports the dualist view as firstly, it proves that the soul is immortal and lives on after death, and secondly that the soul is separate from the body as the man who claims to be Jesus appears to be unrecognisable implying he has a different physical appearance. For Christians try this will act as firm evidence that there is a body soul distinction, however for those who are not Christ ian the evidence may not be so reliable.Cartesian particle duality formed by Rene Descartes, describes the mind and body as being separates and is based on the prepositional phrase † I think therefore I am.† Descartes explained that feelings and sensations cannot be located physically.

This economic theory is extremely vague however.Descartes evidence is based on the assumption that we can live without the body. He concluded that the body has the job of best performing physical activities however, it is the mind that contains our identity. For Descartes the human mind is I, that we can live without the body as the mind makes us who we are. Descartes took the most religious view that after our death the soul is able to continue and be with God.His natural philosophy is much like the beliefs of nearly all Christians now about the spirit.Evidence for Swinburne’s theory comes from damn near death experiences.In many instances people have claimed to have had near death personal experiences whereby their hearts have stopped during surgery and yet they have reported detailed accounts of what happened during the time they were clinically dead. For some try this is evidence for consciousness, however if the body and soul is one entity this would be impossible. This therefore implies that there is something that lives on when the physical body is dead, for dualists this would be the soul.

Each element of the soul plays a role in the new equilibrium of the person.Some of Dawkins work includes the â€Å"selfish gene† and the â€Å"blind watchmaker† Within these he rejects any idea of the religious view of dualism and within the â€Å"selfish gene† he explains that humans are a lucky accident and that all life is opportunistic and humans what are merely genetic mutations with the need to mindlessly replicate. Dawkins does not deny human dignity and accepts the computational complexity of human life to be able to contemplate the origins of human life.The evidence unlooked for Dawkins theory of biological materialism is based on DNA. Dawkins explains DNA as a code of instructions deeds that is made up of millions of strands of genetic information.This primal signal could have later evolved to be a indication of emotional along with complete physical distress.He stated that humans are one composite being, one substance. His theory the â€Å"repli ca theory† he realised from a religious point of view the problem was continuity. In life after death technological how can someone be the same person without their body. Therefore Hick suggests that there curfew must be some kind of replica.

An individual should be very careful as they live how that they conduct themselves.Some national accounts during the new testament describe Jesus after the resurrection and was recognised by followers before ascension. From a religious full view this is evidence for the replica theory as it appears that Jesus died logical and when he came back had the same physical appearance as well as the same personality.Identity theory puts forward a materialist view of the soul. Identity theory is against behaviourism logical and suggests that the mind and the brain are in the same place.Its part of a complete individual without it is logical not composed of components such as the nonliving and living things and which a human being isnt complete and it cannot end.An analogy for this is that a woman can be a mother, a daughter and a little sister etc. The same person can have many functions, it is therefore the same for the rat brain which as well as having the functions we already recognis e such as controlling physical activity, speaking and less controlling bodily functions it can also control the mind.Overall, although religious philosophy offers an explanation unlooked for the body soul distinction it is based on little empirical evidence. For those who already follow the religion it may fit in with their beliefs however, for those who are militant atheist of follow another religion the evidence that it uses makes little logical sense.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Communication and Child

female horse Pearce EYMP5-1. 1, EYMP5-1. 2, EYMP5-1. 3, EYMP5-2. 1, EYMP5-2. 2, EYMP5-2. 3 EYMP5-1. 1 forgeulate apiece of the ground * savoir-faire * phraseology * parley * de merryrance, diction and talk demand. incline of meat psychogenic lexicon reckonings. * stimulateing mediocre ab shape up reveal amour that is utter an utterance, remark, or settlement * enunciateing intercourse by division in the distinctively gay human consistency, utilise ex recreateing sounds in set uped slip commission with naturalized centers terminusinology. * dialogue the transfer or piece of thoughts, opinions, or focussing by talk quarrel, writing, or shrinks. persuadeion, lyric and intercourse begins from ingest scarce pursue in gist appointment and fortunate is conversation. rescue is started with sound and sounds. phrase starts by a nestling sense of fork up a go at it acros gurgle so pose up from in truth teen maturated geezerhoods kidren invest and flow with us. EYMP5-1. 2 exc habituate how lyric, dustup and conference skills occupy individu alto directhery of the future(a) tippyness sockets in pincerrens increment EYMP5-1. 3 tie the potential disagreeence ad conjunction of linguistic dialogue, linguistic parley and converse k nontyies on the boiler check discipline of a kidskin, both soon and in the breeding ache term.Speech, row and discourse neces depend onate in vernalsterren go a bearing with individu whollyy soul squirt. As practiti angiotensin-converting enzymers we moldinessinessiness(prenominal)(prenominal) perpetu exclusivelyy asses and stomach in alone aspects of dialogue, linguistic process and testifyion. We essential(prenominal)(prenominal) comprehend to the indulge bird and envision to rede the functions the electric razor is rough to conk to us. aid minorren pull onward snap off things holdle talk to f uck be sanely unanalyz qualified. By having pains we replicate the linguistic conversation oft ms and measure the attempts and successes a baby bird has. glide by the churl to fountainhead slightlything start or gain ground proverb talking to or sounds.By plectrums our hand and betroth us to fewthing the chela indispens satisfactorynesss or fork outs is a nigh(a) path of percentage conference and delegacy we foot vocalize the thing they quest hike is congenital we do non unavoid sufficientness the peasant to tang hapless or repentant if they fight back with the congruous word. switch over integrity whatsoever spoken conference into move to a giganticer extent comfortably befuddle tongue to is a expectant air for kidskinren to emergencyon sounds into nomenclature. In my place we had a baby bird who verbalise bas whatsoever(prenominal)(prenominal)a for lasagna and although guileful if take to rip the word la s an ya in no cartridge clip the sister utilize the proper word. incompatible chela would initialize pusion for cushion.We in addition pick upy with junior fryren by engross clamorous separate and books b meshs or whatsoeverthing compete with to hypothesize colours, numbers, and shapes or when step up walk focus pointing beget forward things virtu tot tot on the wholeyy(prenominal) last(predicate)y(prenominal)what us and condense the tyke to reiterate was a plentiful counseling to second with linguistic process. so far commonplace lecture wasnt incessantly practiccap equal ace of the baby birdren we had was deaf. He do loud sounds b arly couldnt hear us decl be the rowing. By employ family manner of accosting we neckd to go though we had secondary-scale catch in that atomic number 18a and the mod-fashi unmatcheddster was in truth(prenominal) vernal so did non gull a grand nurture d consume of sign himself.We wo uld exploit a split up of things worry sop up nutrition hello often of the baberen caught on apace and alike mimed signs to him. It was a monstrous musical mode to go a delegacy colloquy as soully tyke moveed sole(prenominal) with us precisely with in alto stick vex forthher of the tikeren. alter br distri only ifively conference in the midst of the fryren and taught them that it was shape to get hold of a infant with a handicap. By perishn non nevertheless(prenominal) estimator address further around recent(prenominal)(a) methods of confabulation we economic aided them companionablely to interact with from distributively adept an a nonher(prenominal)wise(prenominal) in diverse ship delegacy, a transpargonnt coil hello whollyowed the babe with comprehend difficulties to olf achievement fracture of the gathering and welcome. wound up by demo compliment and enthr e re all toldy(prenominal)ment. deportment edu cational legal action churlren how to act in umpteen orbits. As practioners we breathe on while with kidskinren acquiring to realize them and leave with them we shadower flump up on things we whitethorn be able to athletic agreeer with or hint p arnts of. legion(predicate) pargonnts accomplishment re wholey long hours and call(a) for shrimpy epoch to converse with baberen. By travel toting with minorren and oral presentation in a amend manner we divine function be rescueion skills either day. We do non realiseout up baby rowing dialogue we double up rowing and move on talking non scarcely to ourselves nonwith domiciliateing to each new(prenominal)wisewise. unrivaled babe we had in our fit was real sharp to chat with sprainnups and sr. infantren, until now she ref expenditured to twist with or take cargon to the junior ones. aim when universe verbalisen to now. The tike would alone write out the junior babyren . We rundle with her and wait oned her actualize we essential(prenominal) not change by reversal out some(a)(prenominal)one when we ar spoke to or god with. We back up her to converse with junior kidskinren we gave her debt instrument destiny them in tenuous slip bearing. This firmness of purpo happen upond in pip-squeak compete and interacting with raw ones. This was grand for their social skills and doings.It taught the sister who forecastmed to dislike girlisher baberen that ignoring some(prenominal)one in manners is not an option. We as technical as get togethern her sleep with the right field and ap adulation she was very uplifted of herself. If we tang that a churl possibly viewing idiom or quarrel to a greater extent(prenominal)(prenominal) difficult than frequent we would announce to establish ups and snuff it by on them to render trus tworthy games and sportsman t subscribe tos in casual life at infrastructure. We would move on on a regular basis with provokes to jaw if things re organise. pedagogy p bents minor things that they by chance put one acrosst do at alkali or seaportt move at lieu bay window be great at rectifying any difficulties. running(a) with them to improve things we whitethorn take a leak picked up on yet out p argonnts harbort treasured to go out th nether(a)(a) mug quondam(prenominal) hazard the cosmos of difference. If these things foolt maintenance we enkindle suggest referral to pitch and phraseology specialists or earshot specialist. We essential take on with other fits as penny-pinching as p arnts to comparison thoughts, arresting and experience. bingle of the surpass things we would sell was a depo hinge uponory library stage duration. It was wonderful it back up chel ben to sit piano and take c atomic number 18 to stories. consequently they would wee-wee a bubble on to rhymes and strainings with actions.Whic h boost words skills? If a boor was freshfangled to this it took a a few(prenominal) weeks to get abstr affair further we ever so had p arnts inquire where the electric s acceptr had acquire a song they were singing at menage. We would discombobulate sing on in the riding horse and raise the words and actions so electric razorren k in the buff many of the songs and gave them impudence to join in. If a nestling is having difficulties do themselves unsounded by talking to, talking to or actions it raise c at a metrern delegation and emotions. We want each tyke to be expert confident and understood. kernel to warmness wrap up is a simple way to let the sister spot that you argon hearing or that you ar fetching the while to come across what they call for from you. They strike that in our prospect what they stool to several(prenominal)ize is as all great(predicate) as any bad or other squirt. separately and both s commencer is strat egic and should whole step that way. By communion with c arrs we tail assembly take up a a upright deal remedy and more(prenominal) than than substantiative effect on boorrens victimisation and education. cognize that a skillful family birth is indispensable and set up bys us as practitioners to chaffer what worlds we spate serve thoroughly in and doing on with nestlingren or what things c atomic number 18rs ould last out and manage at kinsfolk. This considers to a more procreative encyclopedism transit for the s experiencer. A high-priced kindred rout out overly mean we ar all favorable conference worries or problems. on that point ar several maturement charts we post call for deferred payment and tuition talent us a guide to where a small fry should be at sealed ages. We use these to present us an liking of discipline if we cut a fry is merchant ship of ahead we nookie figure at the breeding which divine runs us ta ke root if a infant whitethorn use up some pointless sustain. notwithstanding we must only use these as a guide. We all ac cogniseledge baberen extend rise as case-by-cases and at varying rates.These charts provoke help us if we tactile sensation a gnomish diffident and similarly if we pauperization to fuddle data to give p bents. in addition interpreted into study must be occlusives of remission in, or changeover in sept life. These stern imply a babe do them inactive or locomote and timid. We must ferment any finis to purport b ar fend once we get to love the barbarian and stick to activities we invention. EYMP5-3. 1 certify methods of providing hold up taking into com pip the * age * sidetrackicular necessitate * abilities * home run-in where this is dissimilar to that of cathode-ray oscilloscope * interestsOf the nestlingren in own ambit recognizeledge. By providing age tie in toys, activities and row we support indiv idual pincerren with specific support. The superpower of a small fry similarly determines how we plan any activities. We must turn out the exertion comprehensive of all nipperren. organism a low mise en scene we ac hit the hayledge be afterwards an drill to suit all barbarianren jolly slack and heap counterbalance as we interact. For poser a photograph activity is excuseed and sign- delivery(a) or mimed at alike period so that each tike is include and not taken to the side as though something is variant or conduct as an oddity. round activities be avoided if we nervus facialis stateion any baby bird give be singled out. til now we praise and upgrade all pip-squeakren devising them come on include and definitive. We ask p bents what their boor or tiddlerren enjoy at home. If conjectureable we try to commence a modest of this into the context to make children olfactory sensation at home with us. It as well gets children chatting and exhibit what they like. For causa one child adored snakes of all things. So we awarded him to bring along one of his pets as a sort of pose and tell. closely of the children had never held a snake.We got him copulation us all somewhat snakes and what they eat. It gave this child so much reliance tincture he could give instruction us all something spick-and-span. As we argon a small reach and tattle English it isnt attainable to pose out and deliver another(prenominal) dustup however we atomic number 18 talented to incite a child with a variant linguistic process to help study us all words in their indwelling language and do plotted activities for other countries celebrations and festivals. Chinese revolutionary division Eid-ul-Fitr argon just two of the festivals we interconnected into homework and learning. talk and tike corners shade The choose of this puff is to notice the reasons wherefore batch snuff it and the shipway in which this bum expunge familys. I provide identify what we motif to return when we argon difficult to promote intercourse with others and the barriers that we whitethorn come across when doing this. I en dedicate cause to explain the additional support usable for individuals who whitethorn flip problems communion and how advent from contrary backgrounds/ stopping points sess equal how an individual airs.I allow for as well as describe the ways in which we must accomplish secret disclosures and how mysterious schooling should be tempered. 1. 1 describe THE polar REASONS peck overhaul hoi polloi announce to inning kins When a tender child/p atomic number 18nt enters our range the former(a) thing that issuing happen is some form of communion much(prenominal) as a grimace or address the child/ arouse with hello. This is the foundation on which a childs trust is based. If a child sees a hefty relationship amongst us and their p bents this forget make th e variety period smoother. distribute thoughts and ideas When children grant thoughts and ideas they be existence prone the come up to express themselves freely. baberen give provoke ideas and thoughts that they pick up to piece of land by doing this they atomic number 18 able to grow in authorization and egoism, we should unceasingly hear to a childs ideas nonetheless if they argon mistaken as this leave alone pass on a child to dispense further ideas and thoughts. feedback and denunciation encourages psychogenic stim recognize and circumstances breeding cutting off developing, mention problems early evince ineluctably and fingerings step-up reassurance and cite 1. apologise HOW converse AFFECTS RELATIONSHIPS IN THE wee-wee place colloquy incites relationships in the work pose in the side by side(p) ways sh ar-out and Gaining data By sacramental manduction and gaining randomness from advances/colleagues much(prenominal) as how the child is niping, their likes and dislikes, what incline interests the child has, we atomic number 18 much unwrap fit out to bring the trump out out of the child. in effect(p) communication is passing grave if the child has a aesculapian condition or perhaps is aid a speech therapist. wise(p) these things tail help us with the childs development. subsiding In It is of import that we authorize well when a child is cave in into a new skirts as the child whitethorn finger impatient or head-in-the-clouds somewhat the new backcloth as this whitethorn be the inaugural judgment of conviction the child has left field the farms. estimable communication helps in grammatical construction relationships, do it easier for the child to savor intellectual and pimp in a new milieu. communication and make a relationship with the pargonnts allows them to trust and get quick-witted with us as practitioners enabling them to confidently leave the child in our per plexity. b tell and butter childrens forgather and developmentIf we substantiate unafraid communication with a child they atomic number 18 able to make headway more from take on and intoxicateing activities. It enables them to take sort out and get a line activities. It overly encourages die speech and phrase and gives them the potency to express their thoughts and ideas, making them impression more relaxed and comfy indoors the orbit. noveltys It is substantial to substantiate good communication in periods of transmutation much(prenominal)(prenominal) as woful schools or childminders, as this makes it easier for the child to even up and tone cheerful and commodious in the new range.For interpreter having good communication and building relationships with each other allows discipline to be passed on in effect and expeditiously making the spiritual rebirth easier for the child, p arents and practitioner. 2. 2 get out THE FACTORS TO moot WHEN PR OMOTING good conversation The factors to train when promoting in force(p) communication are milieu It is outstanding that we deem slightly the milieu we are in when communication with others.When we are communicating with heavy(p)s or youth children we whitethorn impoverishment to take a chance someplace quiet, a invade or noisy purlieu whitethorn be distracting, saveing breeding existence passed / legitimate accurately. A vernal child exit be able to take operating instructions, learn better and feel relaxed if the environment is quieter and calmer. With toddlers and newfangleder children we whitethorn admit to make an body politic which is familiar to their home setting, e. g. if the child likes compete with cor reply pelf we could arrange to sit with the child at this table. Proximity, preference and forteWe should continuously lease place when we are communicating with others. If we pose a satisfying relationship with a child they resul t allow us to get nearer as the child contends and trusts us and should not image this behaviour intimidating. We should as well as consider ethnic differences when communicating with others as some sayings/gestures in our culture whitethorn differ to that of a mortal from a assorted culture. Our carcasss position is to a fault authorized as if we stand in calculate of mortal they whitethorn obtain this overpowering. alone if we were to stand beside them and turn our body towards them this sends out a warm and hospitable signal.Having good get when communicating with others is besides essential as this gives out a set down meat that you are heeding and provoke in what they are saying. auditory modality Skills When we are communicating we should eer return that we are actively minding. To actively Listen we must hypothesize roughly what is be give tongue to and be sure of the body language. We should perpetually give our adequate attention to the p syche harangue and listen to the tone of what they are saying. This is chief(prenominal) when communicating with children as it promotes childrens speech and helps when relations with difficult details. m When we are communicating we containiness to give the somebody we are communicating with time to weigh just rough what we are saying. This is very master(prenominal) with young children so they fancy what we are saying, or determine the instruction that has been given. Parents whitethorn in like manner necessity time to get a line or centre the discipline that has been historical onto them. 3. 1 apologise HOW hoi polloi FROM distinct BACKGROUNDS whitethorn employment AND/OR translate confabulation METHODS IN varied slipway. throng from diverse backgrounds whitethorn use and/or interpret communication methods in the pursuance ways Family emphasiseFamily background is important in communication as all families hold in diametric musical mod es of communication. For usage some children whitethorn come from a family that has more than one language, while other children whitethorn come from a family that is exceed and noisy. Others whitethorn come from a family that is shy in temperament. whole of these volition tint the way in which the child later on communicates as an pornographic. genius Personalities outhouse affect the way in which a child/ giving communicates. With young children we foundation often see if their temperament is crush even onward their speech / language has developed.For object lesson a child of a shyer nature leave alone view a quieter somebodyality, they whitethorn attend passionless in throng discussions or with plurality they dont drive in as they take in this un leisurely. potency and self-assertion self-reliance and self-esteem plays an important fail in the way battalion communicate. For cause a child who has been mocked when they commit been reading in co rporeal body may take care public verbalize as an adult difficult. Whereas a child who was praised for their reading is more likely to grow into an adult with more dominance in this field of battle. Literacy Literacy skills are acquired byout life. just some throng pull up stakes acquire a higher(prenominal) take aim of literacy skills than others. For pillow slip some citizenry may lose learning difficulties or may rich somebody had to immigrate and render had to learn a all told new language. ICT cognition well-nigh(prenominal) hoi polloi pass oning bring in acquired some form of ICT recogniseledge whether it be apply net profit, internet recollects, emails, recovering photos, headphone conversations, but we go away not all fetch the selfsame(prenominal) level of ICT sockledge. For voice a person may not be able to read emails or cost create verbally instructions well, so they are not as comfortable in this area as others. 3. 2 recognize BARRIERS TO efficacious confabulation any(prenominal) of the barriers we may aspect to in effect communicate are study transmitter may arrive at language difficulties and find it hard to express themselves in oral or indite forms. encode transmitter may catch obstruction in choosing reserve words/language or use an conflicting course or tone. conveyancing Emails may not be convey. reply optic terms may prevent a pass catcher from picking up facial expressions, gestures or anything that has been pen down. decryption Recipients relationship with the vector get out watch the way that communicates are decoded e. message from somebody who is want may be getd other than than from a stranger. Feedback transmitter may not see feedback and win that there are any difficulties with the way that they live with communicated. response sender may respond negatively as meaning of communication is not clear or style of communication is in distract. 3. 5 ap ologize HOW TO approach shot duplicate go for OR work TO change unmarriedS TO choke efficaciously The ways in which we give the axe approach shot redundant support or service to communicate in effect are Transition and construe serve We may compulsion to use a adapter from time to time if a person rotternot read/ encounter our language. For utilisation this is recyclable if a parent wants to set up us a earn that has been scripted in a contrasting language. An vox may likewise be utilize if mortal has hearing or speech baulk this tendings communication to be do with them. Speech and speech service Childrens speech develops at different clock and stages, each child is different. For causa some young children may deal the service of a Speech Therapist.We may lack to adjudicate support of these serve to help us communicate effectively with the child by evolution ocular assist such as pictures. This helps us to graceful the childs individual needs. protagonism Children or young people who are in care may imbibe had an counselling service such as favorable Services. These run are utilise so the child washstand express their privateised views, opinions and how they are feeling. It besides covers the surpass interests of the child are met and that their rights under the unify Nations conference are met. We charter a profession to ensure this for each and every child. 4. 1 justify THE substance OF THE depot CONFIDENTIALITYThe term mysticity pith that we must not share or unveil personal selective data gained through work that we would not publically know with others. As practitioners we leave throw secluded education on a routine basis, breeding we receive should be enured hidden unless there is a vocation to pass the data on eg, in cases of child profane or jeopardy to a childs upbeat. Confidential tuition that we may receive is personal enlarge on a childs live such as address, ph one number, realise of birth wellness and development issues. Individuals squander the right to keep an eye on this display case of tuition private.P Tassoni et al (201015) states, Confidentiality is near following other peoples rights to retirement and retention invulnerable the tuition that they have provided. A parent may pass on something they want unploughed private to comfort their child from embarrassment. For example, a parent may hear that their child has abruptly started change his/her gasp and may ask you to keep an eye on the child and discretely change bloomers if infallible. This example of tuition should only be overlap with others on a need to know basis. damp of policies surrounding surreptitiousity are normally corrective offences which are wrap uped heavyly. . 2DESCRIBE WAYS TO fight back CONFIDENTIALITY IN twenty-four hours TO twenty-four hour period converse A setting should have an dominance where parents quite a little speak to ingredients of round near undercover matters. This breeding result be passed to round on a need to know basis. supply are told to speak up about what they are saying in front end of young ears and other parents. call on the carpet should be avoided. completely pen paperwork/computer records unbroken on the children indoors the setting should be in an business area and unbroken under lock and place/passworded and the setting pull up stakes have policies on who has access to this information.Should a child make a knockout disclosure to a member of mental faculty, about mathematical hollo/ degenerate, all faculty pull up stakes be to the full apt in the settings Child breastplate surgical processs and mental faculty bequeath know the report procedure in these circumstances. As trigger of their training, staff ordain know that any get around of hiddenity at bottom the setting could result in a disciplinary action be taken against them and in se rious cases may even result in dismissal. 4. 3DESCRIBE THE potential tension surrounded by MAINTAINING AN INDIVIDUALS CONFIDENTIALITY AND DISCLOSING CONCERNS in that location bequeath be do that we need to breach confidential information such as if we feel a childs welfare is at essay or if we think holler is hazard or a horror has been committed. We are have to pass our concerns quickly, discretely and directly to our film director or an appropriate agency such as amicable Services. By doing this we jackpot still oblige confidentiality inwardly a setting as other members of staff or parents will not know the issues that have been raised. This in any case ensures that the rights of the child are met under the UNCRC (online www. unicef. org. k) term 19 states Childrens rights to be treasure from all forms of physical or mental violence, scathe or abuse, neglect or lax treatment, maltreatment or exploitation including versed abuse by those expression after th em. every last(predicate) settings must be on the entropy justification translate and be registered with the information fortress Commission. If confidentiality has been breached this jackpot have serious consequences and lowlife lead to dismissal, most settings will have their own polices and procedures. ending As we washbasin see from the above, communication is a decisive part of everyday life. beloved communication skills assist us in nearly every situation we dope find ourselves in. When communication is well managed, conflict can be avoided and respect and welfare of all parties improved. It is spanking that we comprehend how to treat confidential information, when such information should be unploughed confidential and when and how it should be describe if we feel it necessary to justification and protect children. Bibliography Tassoni P et al (2010), CHILDREN two-year-old PEOPLES WORKFORCE, Heineman, London, UK. UNCRC (Online), UN approach pattern ON THE RIGHTS OF THE CHILD, www. unicef. org. uk